Body, Soul & Mind
A large part of my work centers around relationships. We form relationships with other people, other living beings, the environment. However, everything starts with our relationship with ourselves.
On this journey we will begin by exploring some fundamental questions about ourselves. For example, are we capable of loving ourselves? Are we capable of being self-confident? Are we aware of ourselves, our actions, and thoughts? Can we find forgiveness for our past mistakes? And finally, are we capable of embracing love when it comes our way and to live an abundant life? (Paradoxically, it can be hard for us to embrace the positive things in our life. If, for instance, we grow in an environment where drama and suffering are abound, we somehow learn to feel safer when they're there.)
We can only begin to heal our relationships with others when there's been healing in our relationship to ourselves. Only when we begin to accept ourselves with all our peculiarities, our darkness, and our light, can we begin to genuinely love others.