Systemic Team Coaching
The thinking mind, the intellect, the ego - it is the one that needs to understand of everything, the one that plans and mostly directs us. However, family constellations take place on a more subtle level, which is often beyond the mind’s reach.
Even when we can’t understand everything mentally, healing occurs anyway.
In family and systemic constellations the mind and the soul are connected, so the knowledge of the mind and the conceputal thinking could get deep into our soul and expand our consciousness. Family constellations or systemic constellations can help us unravel complex psychological and interpersonal relationships. They often make it clear where we have taken something from our system (i.e. our family) that does not belong to us. Our soul, i.e. the unconscious part of us, tries to find balance in order to create equity and fairness in the family system for something that happened and wants to be seen in order to find peace. When we set up a story from our past in a constellation and create such a picture, souls can feel it and find peace.
Where and how we fit in and act in the system at work also plays a role. Everything where we for relationships with other people is a system. The partnership, the family, everything where we are in touch with other people. The soul is the place of images, as well as the place of archetypes described by C.G. Young, the place where we came from and where we are going.
What is the purpose of a systemic constellation?
Sometimes we get stuck in a difficult situation, cannot find a solution or just don't know what is right at that moment. It is essential to take a good look at yourself, where you are in life and where you want to go, and a constellation can be very helpful in doing that. I would like to invite you to get in touch with yourself and offer you the wonderful healing work of constellations. Constellations can clarify far more than family entanglements. We can bring clarity to just about any topic, such as:
Professional projects
Desire to have children and much more.
Sometimes it can simply be about the need to discover your own strengths.
What is done in a constellation?
After a short conversation with the client, a decision is made as to whom or what we will set up in a constellation, choosing from their concerns, environment or family history. I ask some of the participants to join the constellation as representatives of people and certain topics. This is how an image is created.
If a participant in a family or system constellation is asked to represent a person who is usually not present (except, of course, the clients themselves), they are called a representative, since they symbolically represents another person.
Taking on this role is an experience that many have described as extremely enriching, and most of the time it is no coincidence when we are chosen to represent someone. The representatives find it very valuable and personally enriching. To be there for someone in the collective field of awareness and healing is very valuable and enriching. Taking on such a role leads to knowledge and healing, even if the constellation is not about any of the issues representatives might have. However, many of them say they can draw parallels in their own lives.
In this way, patterns and problematic structures in families, teams or relationships can become visible. It is particularly impressive how representatives display consistent feelings, postures and behavior in the constellation that correspond to the person they represent, without ever having heard detailed information about this person. During the constellation, the impulses and emotions of the participants are brought into contact with one another in a purposeful manner. As a result, we discover new knowledge and possibilities for processes that lead to a solution or a change regarding the constellation topic. Furthermore, the client (or the facilitator) chooses a representative for themself, so they can take a better look at themself. This leads to creating peace not only with everything you’ve ever received in life, but also with everything you’ve been denied.
All systems, such as families, teams, organizations, etc. strive for balance and inner order. The constellation work is based on respect and appreciation for each individual. I am happy to be able to serve you through this work.
Here are some tips on how to prepare for a constellation:
Which concern / topic is currently in the foreground?
Find out from your family about family members who died prematurely, about divorces, illnesses, abortions, war trauma and everything else that could have had a major impact on your family!
Do not consume alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating substances! In this kind of work we need strength and clarity.
In the initial talk, please tell me about severe physical and psychological disorders, as well as medication you are taking. In case of an acute illness, a constellation can be a contraindication, so these things need to be clarified beforehand. There are illnesses and situations that are not suitable for a constellation. In some cases the client needs support after a constellation in order to be able to integrate the experience. Feel free to contact me any time.